Monday, July 26, 2010

Call the plumber pt. 2

Here is another article about the controversy surrounding the WikiLeak website releasing 90,000 + pages and documents relating to the War on terror in the country of Afghanistan. This article contains official statements from leading countries in NATO as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some of the documents are alleging that Pakistan has secretly helped al Qaeda. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm guessing the Republicans will take the standard, this hampers our national security and war efforts, while the Democrats will blame all the bad information on the Bush years (which the administration probably deserves) with a combination of outrage that the information was leaked, as well as a call for a renewal of the war policy and/ or a demand to leave the country. It's looking to be a more interesting week than I thought!

*edit* I just realized I never gave you the link!

A leak!? Call the plumber!

Over the weekend as Americans everywhere were enjoying there respite from daily toil, big wigs in the Pentagon and White House were scrambling to counter a major leak from WikiLeaks. The leak was 90,000 + report detailing the Afghan war policies of the White House from January 2004 - December 2009. Notice the time period that the documents deal with. They deal specifically with Bush's 2nd term and end right before President Obama took office. Now the White House and Pentagon are condemning the leaks, citing danger to U.S. interests and the lives of the soldiers. I still haven't developed an opinon on the matter and I'm wondering what you guys think! I will link two articles below for you to read.

This one is from Mashable.

This one is from Politico <-- (Great political news!)

I tried to link the actual article from WikiLeaks, but it's not responding. So either there is to much traffic to the site, or something more sinister.... hmmm!

Why we blog

A catchy little title wouldn't you agree? Lately I've been thinking about the different reasons for running a blog. Some people keep blogs to let family members know what is going on in there lives. I follow 2 such blogs. It's a nice way to keep in touch and to see what is going on in their lives. Others blog about a specific topic, I follow a couple blogs that deal with early american history and early american religious history. Other blogs are a source of political and social commentary. I follow two blogs that can fall under this category. But why do I blog? I was having a conversation with a friend (check out her blog) and we were talking about why we blog. After giving my usual response: developing my writing skills (how am I doing on this by the way?) I sat back and tried to think of a deeper reason for why I blog. And by George I think I've done it! A lot of my posts deal with education, history, or theological subjects. Am I disillusioned enough to think that my posts are going to somehow right all the wrongs, topple government mistakes, or inspire America to educate themselves? No. The reason I blog, and why countless others blog, is that we hope to inspire one or two people to read something they wouldn't normally have read, have a conversation with somebody they wouldn't have had, about a subject they wouldn't have talked about. I want to create a place where people can debate in a safe enviornment without being discredited or censored based on their ideas. That is why I blog, and that is why I hope you come here. So please feel free to rip, dissect, add on, or agree with what I say by adding a comment or two on my posts!