Monday, October 11, 2010

The right to dissent

The Star Tribune had an interesting and frankly enlightening op ed that they ran last Friday. Apparently a group of MN Catholic Bishops are mailing a DVD that outlines their opposition to same - sex marriage to 400,000 people. The fact that the Church is sending out this mailer isn't enlightening, but the response of the Star Tribunes editorial board caused my heart to soar.

The Tribune editors came out in opposition to the position of the Catholic Church. Instead of using their space to further denigrate an already wounded institution such as the Church, they wrote in support of the Church's right to mail out their DVDs. Citing free speech as a principle that this country cannot live without, The Tribune staff called upon those who advocate the Church should lose its tax - exempt status to re think their position. It brought me a moment of happiness to realize that some people still understand the wise saying:
"I may disagree with everything you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it".

Here is the link to the online article.
(warning - The online article is longer than the one in print, the article does go on to show how the church may be wrong on the issue)

The Way of Improvement Leads Home: A Yale History Professor Bans Laptops in the Class...

The Way of Improvement Leads Home: A Yale History Professor Bans Laptops in the Class...: "I am a fan of technology in the classroom when it enhances the learning experience. Over the years I have become reliant upon PowerPoint sl..."

Great article on the idea of banning laptops during lecture classes. While I agree with a lot of the article, I wonder if I would be able to keep up with the pace of some classes for note taking.

Ironically, I'm writing this blog post during a lecture on Hittite mythology. Gotta go!