I just realized it has been one month since I last blogged. I don't even know if anybody reads this blog, and with my lack of attention to it, who can blame them? But I'm back, I am going to make it my goal to blog at least a couple times per week. Now that I started school, that should be easy right? After all, the goal of this blog is to chronicle the journey of my education.
So what have I been doing this past month? Well I started school exactly one week ago. I have a feeling some of my classes are going to provide some interesting blog posts. In fact I have one or two coming to fruition as we speak. I am talking a course in Christian Thought. It's basically a philosophy course in dealing with deep spiritual matters in the life of a Christian. It seems to be an excellent class and I'm really looking forward to it. I am also taking an American History course dealing specifically with the period right after WWII up to the present. I'm normally not interested in this era, but the class seems to be fascinating. I have two more history courses, one a class on the Ancient Near Eastern cultures, Mesopotamians, Sumerians, and Hittites. This class will probably be a challenge for me, as I am not really interested in Ancient history. But there is something to be learned from every teacher and every subject, so I will give it my best shot. The other class is my History Seminar class. I have to write a 25 page research paper on any topic I chose. Should be fun :)
Another development in my social networking life, I created a TWITTER account. I never thought that day would come, but its proved very beneficial. I'm able to follow people and receive updates on articles that they have written, or found worth mentioning. I admit there is a non - academic side to it as well, there are just some very entertaining people with twitter accounts that I get a kick out of following.
As for job prospects, yesterday I went in for an interview at Target in Roseville and they offered me a job :) I'm actually kind of excited to start working there. Pending an acceptable drug test result, I start on tuesday the 7th. I don't forsee any problems :) Speaking of the 7th, I'm extremely excited for a new game in the Kingdom Hearts franchise to be released for PSP (which I don't own of course). Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is finally coming to the states. As soon as my friend Randy buys it and beats it, he promised to lend me his copy so I can partake in the wonder that is Kingdom Hearts.
Just a preview of whats to come:
Evangelicals: A lack of solemnity
A review of Francis Chan's Forgotten God: Reversing our Tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit
An article on the enumerated powers of congress, with special attention to the Federalist Papers
Americans and Racism
The "Ground Zero" Mosque Controversy
And many more...
Stay tuned!!!! I promise to write more :)